4  Results of IDA: Missing values

This section reports the IDA analyses for missing data. The Section headers (i.e. M2) correspond to the IDA analysis plan in Chapter 2.

4.1 M1: Participant missingness

As the data was obtained from the registry of the laboratory, and only performed laboratory analyses were included, participant missingness cannot be evaluated.

4.2 M2: Variable missingness

Number and percentage of missingness for each predictor, sorted by descending missingness proportion.

4.2.1 Outcome and Structural variables

Summary of missing values for outcome and structural predictors
Variable Missing (count) Missing (%)
AGE 0 0.0
SEX 0 0.0

4.2.2 Lab parameters

Missingness patterns for key and medium importance predictors are reported here. The remaining predictors are reported in Appendix Section D.1 .

Summary of missing values for key predictors
Predictor Description Missing (count) Missing (%)
NEU Neutrophiles (G/L) 728 5.0
WBC White blood count (G/L) 462 3.1
BUN Blood urea nitrogen (mg/dl) 172 1.2
CREA Creatinine (mg/dl) 159 1.1
PLT Blood platelets (G/L) 42 0.3
AGE Patient Age (years) 0 0.0
Summary of missing values for medium importance predictors
Predictor Description Missing (count) Missing (%)
FIB Fibrinogen (mg/dl) 2567 17.5
POTASS Potassium (mmol/L) 2008 13.7
GGT Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (G/L) 1262 8.6
ASAT Aspartate transaminase (U/L) 1154 7.9
ALAT Alanin transaminase (U/L) 987 6.7
CRP C-reactive protein (mg/dl) 155 1.1

4.3 M3: Complete cases

Number of available complete cases (outcome and predictors):

Summary of complete cases by sets of predictors
Set Complete (count) Complete (%)
Outcome 14691 100.0
Outcome and structural variables 14691 100.0
Outcome and key predictors only 13793 93.9
Outcome key predictors and predictors of medium importance 9389 63.9
Outcome and all predictors 3979 27.1

4.4 M4: Patterns of missing values

4.4.1 Complete cases by strata defined by structural variables

Summary of complete cases by sets of predictors
Set # patients Complete (count) Complete (%)
female - [16, 50]
All predictors 2462 604 24.5
Key predictors 2462 2309 93.8
Medium importance predictors 2462 1656 67.3
female - (50, 65]
All predictors 1579 411 26.0
Key predictors 1579 1468 93.0
Medium importance predictors 1579 1075 68.1
female - (65, 101]
All predictors 2114 545 25.8
Key predictors 2114 1975 93.4
Medium importance predictors 2114 1389 65.7
male - [16, 50]
All predictors 2903 805 27.7
Key predictors 2903 2744 94.5
Medium importance predictors 2903 1993 68.7
male - (50, 65]
All predictors 2671 771 28.9
Key predictors 2671 2504 93.7
Medium importance predictors 2671 1862 69.7
male - (65, 101]
All predictors 2962 843 28.5
Key predictors 2962 2793 94.3
Medium importance predictors 2962 2014 68.0

4.4.2 Dendrogram of missingness indicators

The dendrogram depicts the results of a cluster analysis using the complete linkage method based on the percentage of discordant missing indicators. (This percentage was computed via the squared Euclidian distance of missingness indicators between predictors.) The horizontal axis shows the distance between two clusters, which is given by the maximum distance between any element of the first and the second clusters. For example, if two clusters are merged at a height of 25 it means that in 25% of the observations the missingness indicators of the most discordant predictors contained in the two clusters are discordant.

The numbers in brackets are the percentages of missing observations for each predictor.