Appendix D — Results of IDA: Missing values Appendix

D.1 M2: Variable missingness for remaining predictors

Summary of missing values for remaining predictors
Predictor Description Missing (count) Missing (%)
PAMY Pancreas amylase (U/L) 7114 48.4
TRIG Triclyceride (mg/dl) 5061 34.4
CHOL Cholesterol (mg/dl) 5045 34.3
GLU Glucoses (mg/dl) 4192 28.5
AMY Amylase (U/L) 3913 26.6
LIP Lipases (U/L) 3699 25.2
HS Uric acid (mg/dl) 3061 20.8
APTT Activated partial thromboplastin time (sec) 2549 17.4
NT Normotest (%) 2467 16.8
CHE Cholinesterase (kU/L) 2447 16.7
CK Creatinine kinases (U/L) 2080 14.2
MG Magnesium (mmol/L) 1869 12.7
LDH Lactate dehydrogenase (U/L) 1714 11.7
ALB Albumin (G/L) 1676 11.4
TP Total protein (G/L) 1583 10.8
GBIL Bilirubin (mg/dl) 1441 9.8
AP Alkaline phosphatase (U/L) 1400 9.5
SODIUM Sodium (mmol/L) 1282 8.7
CA Calcium (mmol/L) 1276 8.7
PHOS Phosphate (mmol/L) 1242 8.5
PDW Platelet distribution width (%) 1102 7.5
BASOR Basophile ratio (%) 732 5.0
EOSR Eosinophil ratio (%) 732 5.0
LYMR Lymphocyte ratio (% (mg/dl)) 732 5.0
MONOR Monocyte ratio (%) 732 5.0
NEUR Neutrophile ratio (%) 732 5.0
MPV Mean platelet volume (fl) 702 4.8
RBC Red blood count (T/L) 461 3.1
LYM Lymphocytes (G/L) 262 1.8
MONO Monocytes (G/L) 246 1.7
BASO Basophiles (G/L) 146 1.0
EOS Eosinophils (G/L) 135 0.9
RDW Red blood cell distribution width (%) 56 0.4
MCV Mean corpuscular volume (pg) 42 0.3
HCT Haematocrit (%) 42 0.3
MCH Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (fl) 42 0.3
MCHC Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (g/dl) 42 0.3
HGB Haemoglobin (G/L) 41 0.3